Support cat Trap Neuter Return (TNR). Since 2016, Bowie CLAW has been helping treat and mitigate community cat populations with our TNR program. As of June 2022, 1,000+ cats have been spayed/neutered and vaccinated against rabies and other diseases. They are ear tipped to identify them as County-protected community cats. In addition, since October of 2019, 500+ homeless kittens and cats have found loving homes by fostering them in a pathway to adoption.
See Prince George‘s County law protecting ear tipped cats here.

Maintaining For Life – Complementing TNR, Bowie CLAW supports the humane management of community cat colonies within the City of Bowie. Help humanely trapping and/or taking a shift (or more!) per month for the daily feeding of colonies community cats (not a Bowie CLAW-organized activity, but a dedicated group of regular volunteers. For more information on volunteering click here.

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