Pasta for Pets
On December 5, 2012 Bowie CLAW presented thirteen sets of animal oxygen masks to the Bowie Volunteer Fire Department. Each set contains 3 different sized masks. Each unit of the BVFD can now carry a set of masks to be used to resuscitate a pet overcome by smoke inhalation in the event of a fire.
The masks were purchased with the proceeds of September’s Pasta For Pets event held at the Belair station. The community should be applauded and proud that they turned out for this event, which allowed us to purchase equipment which may some day save the life of your pet.
The amount of money raised exceeded the cost of buying masks only for the BVFD. Therefore Bowie CLAW will expend all remaining funds on purchasing masks to present to neighboring Prince George’s County fire departments. We are in the course of identifying those organizations that have the greatest need. We will announce these future presentations as they are made in early 2012.
Breaking News!
Because of the efforts of Karen Garretson and Gaye Williams Bowie CLAW has been able to make another mask presentation to the fire departments. Below is a link to the Bowie blog so you can check it out.
We will continue to locate and present more masks until the funds from Pasta for Pets has been exhausted and hopefully because of the generosity of everyone who attended and supported the spaggetti dinner, pet lives will be saved. That is our mission.
Bowie CLAW thanks everyone for their support.
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